Cognitive interviews

Failure of election polls througout the world have brought about new ways to complement results in order to try to better understand what people are answering. Cognitive interviews are at the core of these new complements to polls. We interview interviewees in order to talk about he interview and understand the context under which it was answered.


Researching the components of populism in order to produce a battery of questions taht can grasp the inclination of the Latin American population toward populism.


Participation has been redefined by the people. it is no longer about an authorized or un authorized event. It has now become a right without any authorization. Protest in Latin America has evolved and therefore also the way it should be measured. It is no longer about signing letter, or a petition, it is about going to a media outlet to call out, shout. Redefining participation and its measurement in a region low in association, low in leadership.